At Arkamark Solutions, we place the human at the centre of all that we do. So, human-centred design has to take into consideration empathy, creativity and immediate business needs of the people or end-users. By empathy we genuinely care about the people we design and development software applications. By creativity we find creative ways to solve users' problems. And, when it comes to business needs, we ensure that each product designed and developed is commercially successful. The team of IT developers and architects at Arkamark Solutions pair agile development with human-centred design. By this our teams can gather end-user feedback and validation as they bring the product to market.
Our team of IT developers consider human centric cyber security as involving all aspects of cyber security, with special focus on the human involvement in the system and processes. Surely, humans represent not only a value, but also pose a risk to an organisation. So, a good understanding of how humans and data interact and what are the risks caused due to these interactions is needful. There needs to be evolved a specific level of trust in the relationship between the humans and the system to ensure the correct balance.